
Burning Questions

The Burning Questions six part apologetics training series is available to purchase for download. Click the button below to order.

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These are Burning Questions, the answers to which have profound implications because they effect so many other areas of life: for instance, whether or not life has meaning, purpose or hope. Yet, too often, attempts to talk about these questions is marred by a clash of fundamentalisms, by extremists (religious or secular) simply yelling or trying to outsmart each other.

Is there a better way to have discourse on these questions that really do matter? Join Dr. Andy Bannister as he tries to do just that—journeying across three countries—talking to a wide range of experts—people of all faiths and none—in search of some clarity. Whether you’re a skeptic or a seeker, a doubter or a disciple, Burning Questions will encourage you to listen well, think deeply and to follow the evidence where it leads.

Episode Guide

Episode 1: Is There a God?

 Perhaps the biggest burning question of them all is this one: Are we alone in a meaningless, purposeless universe or is there some kind of creator – some kind of higher power out there? That’s a hotly debated question. On the one hand, our culture has recently seen a resurgent atheism whose advocates tell us that anyone who even professes belief in a deity is simply insane and irrational. Yet for all of that, belief in God seems alive and well. Over 90% of people in the world say they do believe in a higher power. The question simply will not go away: Is there a God?

Episode 2: God & Science

 Since the scientific revolution kicked off in the 16th and 17th centuries, we’ve seen tremendous advances across the disciplines of science in physics, chemistry, and biology. So successful has science been, so rapidly has it advanced, that many people believe that science has simply pushed God out of the picture. Indeed, one Oxford professor said to me, “The question is a simple one – hasn’t science buried God?”

Episode 3: The Problem of Evil

Just over 100 years ago, the Titanic was about the depart on her maiden voyage. The docks at Southampton were full and packed with people. Little did they know that four days later the Titanic would ram into an iceberg and sink tragically with a loss of 2,500 lives. Whatever our worldview whether we are Atheist, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindus, Christians — whatever it is that you believe, disasters raise the question “why?” Why, in particular, do bad things happen to good people?

Episode 4: Which Religion is True?

 Toronto is one of the most multi-cultural cities that you’ll find on planet earth. Here you’ll find people from every culture, country, religion, and belief system that you could imagine. The huge diversity of religions that exists raises a profound question. Even if you have concluded that there is some kind of higher power out there, which religion do you choose?

Episode 5: Can We Trust the Bible?

It's the best selling book of all time,selling millions of copies each year. Numerous regimes around the world have tried to ban it from their borders. Thousands of Christians have spent time in jail or faced execution for smuggling it into those countries. The Bible has inspired devotion and fear, but behind all that lies a much bigger question: Is the Bible just a collection of myths, legends, and fairytales for children? Or is there more to it than that? Is the Bible reliable?
Join Dr. Andy Bannister as he addresses the question: Can we trust the Bible?

Episode 6: Who was Jesus?

 Throughout history hundred of thousands of Christians have faced torture, persecution, and arrests for what they believe about Jesus. What is it about one man’s teaching and one man’s claims that could inspire such devotion and commitment from people? In short, who was Jesus?

More from Andy Bannister!
Dr. Andy Bannister is the Director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity, speaking and teaching regularly throughout the UK, Europe, Canada, the USA, and the wider world. From universities to churches, business forums to TV and radio, he regularly address audiences of both Christians and those of all faiths and none on issues relating to faith, culture, politics and society. Andy holds a PhD in Islamic studies and has taught extensively at universities across Canada, the USA, the UK and further afield on both Islam and philosophy. He is also an Adjunct Research Fellow at The Arthur Jeffery Centre for the Study of Islam at Melbourne School of Theology and is also Adjunct Faculty at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto. You can discover more about Andy and the many books he has authored at:

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